All Finance Banks is a multipurpose solution, which is based on continuous monitoring of the banks’ clients.
The solution offers an insight into:
- Structure trends and current situation in the field of banking operations with physical persons:
- Scope of exchanges and transition direction on the micro-levels (main bank change trends);
- Client loyalty, potential defectors and potential for acquisition of new ones;
- Use of banking products and their potential;
- Purchase route when changing banks with the reasons for the change and factors for the final decision regarding banks;
- Comparison of the user experience for the modern banking routes.
Tested Indicators and Regular Updates
All Finance includes generally accepted indicators, which allow monitoring of movements of bank brands on the market. These indicators are. BSI (Brand Strength Index) in pyramid images, NPS (Net Promoter Score), trust in banks, loyalty segments.
All Finance Data Source
It’s based on a large sample of bank clients, even 10.000. Survey data collection on an innovative platform, where real persons are monitored in real-time. Valicon’s system automatically detects changes and triggers additional questions (e.g. purchase route when changing the main bank).
Due to the large sample:
- It gives us an additional insight into smaller target groups (also useful for banks with market shares under 5 %);
- It offers an insight into micro-target groups, i.e. clients, who left the target bank, potential defectors or who are disloyal to the target bank, and so forth;
- It can describe other target groups, which are relevant for the development of bank services and products or interesting marketing segments.
Another advantage of All Finance is that it detects and measures actual transitions between persons who changes banks and not hypothetical situations.
All Finance Banks are available on the following markets:
- Slovenia (since 2014)
- Croatia (since 2016)
- BiH (since 2016)
- Serbia (since 2018)