Quality results on relevant target groups

Speed, sample quality, multimedia content and small segment / marginal population accessibility is what you get with our online panel.

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Internet access at home has increased in the last five years and its penetration equals or precedes (depends on country and age group) the penetration of fixed phone line in households.

That’s why we provide you a better choice than telephone surveys – computer assisted web interviewing (CAWI) with our online panel. While telephone (CATI) surveys still remain the right choice for specific survey designs.

Benefits of CAWI:

  • The survey is no longer time nor space limited – the respondent is free to choose the time and place of the interview.
  • The absence of the interviewer gives more valid results in case of socially sensitive issues (no embarrassment of respondent that would cause reserved responses).
  • Access to marginal population groups that are hard to get with other methods of interviewing.
  • Targeting very small segments in affordable time for a reasonable price.
  • Multimedia surveys possible – sound, image, video and interactive inserts.

Off-line population is not necessarily excluded. We include them with our unique Smart Sampling methodology.

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Solution Footprint

PillarData & Market Facts > All Solutions
SectionOn-line panles > All Sections
IndustriesTelco, Finance, Energy, Retail, Durables, FMCG, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Tourism, Media, Advertising & Agencies, Digital, Public opinions and politics, Mobility & Transport