According to the number of online purchases (transactions), eBay is one of the biggest online stores for Croatian online buyers, even though it might not have a significant impact in regard to the value of the transactions. On average, the Croats buy products, which are 4-times less valuable than purchases made from domestic online sellers. Based on the results, we can conclude that Croatia is facing a challenge, which is related to marketing online purchasing and widening of domestic online offer. This is the only way that domestic online sellers can change the trend to their advantage, i.e. achieve that a higher share of transactions are carried out in Croatia.
Trust into domestic online sellers is not an obstacle. It is related to the first experience, namely online purchasing in general and how to attract a buyer to try this process and the trust improves with increased experience with online shopping. In general, Croatian online buyers feel safe (90%) and for the most part they trust domestic online sellers (83%). If we segment the situation, we notice an increase in trust in domestic online sellers in older age groups, which is a positive sign since they currently hold the majority of purchasing power.
Current growth trends in using the internet and online purchasing show increase in converting online users into online buyers. Today, virtually every third Croatian internet user buys online and we can find online buyers in Croatia in every age group, generation and population segment.
The main conclusion is that Croatia has a lot of potential for the development of online use and purchasing and if the current growth trends in Croatia continue and if the situation is compared to Slovenia, we can expect a 2-3% increase in 2015.
More information:
E. [email protected]