There are some novelties in this measurement, we have checked the response to the measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to mitigate the social and economic consequences of the epidemic, and these have been adopted by the overwhelming majority as appropriate. For the first time, we also checked personal experiences of new situations, which are experienced differently, but most of them are on the positive side. However, we have also looked at the expectations regarding the duration of the situation and most expect it to last for another two months. The key finding of this measurement is that residents are also clearly transitioning to Phase 2 – adopting and adjusting to new conditions and more realistic expectations, which is reflected in the growing concern for the economic consequences of the epidemic.
Package of government actions adopted with approval
Measures of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to deal with the economic consequences of the epidemic on the population and the economy were described as adequate (51%) by the respondent and half (46%) as partly adequate or partly inadequate. Only 3% of respondents believe that these measures are inadequate. The package of measures, therefore, has successfully responded to the growing effects of the epidemic on individuals and the economy for the majority of the population, leaving some space for those who are not fully satisfied.
Concerns have stabilized
Concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus remain widespread, expressed by 84% of respondents (up two percentage points from a week ago). The decrease is at the expense of the most concerned, now 25%, a week ago 27% (the difference is not statistically significant). The ratio between moderate and very anxious therefore remains 2 : 1 in favour of the moderately anxious.
The current situation is experienced as very different, but the majority is on the positive side
Experiencing the current situation more negatively for less than half of the population, with the predominant response “unpleasant, tiring” (38%), but more positivly for more than half of the population, with the predominant response “acceptable, somehow” answer (34%). A good 7% of respondents describe the situation as “critical, chaotic at times”, but on the other hand, a good sixth of population have already successfully become accustomed to the new situation, with almost 17% describing the situation as “normal, given the new situation”. The extreme answers in both fields of experiencing new conditions are chosen rarely, less than half percent of population believes that the situation is “completely hopeless”, and less than three percent that the situation is the same as before the appearance of the new coronavirus.
Concerns are clearly shifting to the duration of the current state and the economic implications of it.
Although the prevailing concern for one’s own family has somewhat relaxed over the last week (from 81% to 74%), the concern remains that this will not end soon (54%, three points more than a week ago, the difference not statistically significant). On the third place is concern for one’s own health (45%, previously 44%) and economic consequences (46%, 43% a week ago). Overall concern remains at the same level (36%, 35% a week ago). Although the differences are not (yet) statistically significant, the trend towards shifting concerns into the duration and economic consequences of the new situation is suggestive. The concern for the workplace is 3 percentage points higher than a week ago (16%, 13% a week ago, otherwise the difference is not statistically significant).
Government’s measures to conrol the virus from spreding are considered as »just right«, the majority expects this to continue for two more months
Even if a week ago, the majority thought that the measures to control the spread of the virus were not strict enough (61%), today only two fifths have the same opinion. The proportion has dropped by one third to 40%. Most consider this time to be the right measure (53%). 7% of respondents said that the measures were too strict (5% a week ago, the difference is not statistically significant). A relative majority (43%) believe that the state of emergency (closed schools and kindergartens, restriction of movement, non-association order) will last for another two months, while just under 30% are more optimistic and think that this will last one more month.
Two times in a row a significant change in the evaluation of the events turned for the better
If a week ago the majority of respondents thought that things were getting worse with the spread of coronavirus (59%, and even 86% on the first measurement on March 11th and 12th), now most are convinced that things are going for the better (57%), 3% even think they are getting much better (previously only 1%, no difference). The proportion of those who consider things are going to be “much worse” has also fallen significantly, with only 3% remaining (8% a week ago and almost a quarter, 23%, at the first measurement). The difference is statistically significant.
Citing the source
When citing the source, please indicate (recommended form of citation):
»Source: Opinion poll 23th – 25th March 2020, Valicon.«
Methodological frame
The survey was conducted within the framework of the online panel of respondents. web panel is the largest online panel of respondents in Slovenia. The results are representative of the Slovenian online population from 18 to 75 years of age, by sex, age, education and region at settlement type level.
Time of interviewing:
23th – 25th March 2020, n=566.
Majority of interviews was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday, 24th and 25th March.
About Valicon
Valicon is one of the leading marketing consulting and opinion research and opinion polling companies in Southeastern Europe. Valicon specializes in small markets, tailor-made solutions, advanced methodology and in-depth insight into the client’s area of activity. The company’s core business is marketing consulting based on marketing research. Valicon offers its clients services throughout the Western Balkans and through selected partners in other European countries.
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