Bosnia and Herzegovina: Large majority supports the protests, but violence is too high a price for changes

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Valicon conducted a research among B&H citizens on their attitudes regarding the protests.

Protests are the result of widespread dissatisfaction of citizens. Strong support of protests has united the society as they are largely supported in both political entities, in Federation of B&H and in Republic of Srpska as well. If protests continue to be violent, support will decline, most probably below 50%. Protests, in general, represent insurgence against general social conditions. However, only half of respondents feel that these protests would cause any major change.


1. In the last 7 days there were many protests in towns across Bosnia and Herzegovina. In general, what is your attitude towards protests in B&H? Do you support them?

Background of the protests is general dissatisfaction in society, where very little or no positive trends are detected: almost two-thirds of respondents are personally dissatisfied, while 90% are dissatisfied with society they live in. When we add the fact that more than half of the respondents think that the “state is going the wrong way” and one-third of the respondents thinks that “the state is not moving”, it is easy to understand why a large majority of respondents supports the protests.



2. On your opinion…

Almost half of the citizens (47%) fully supports the protests, while general support of protests accounts for 88% of citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The share of those who support remains high even when analyzed by subgroups: in FB&H it is over 90%, while in RS it is somewhat lower than 80%. Almost half of the respondents expressed support with some reserve, which is explained with the fact that they don’t support violence.

Most of those who do not give full support to protests, are explaining it with their disagreement with violence. Citizens see these protests mostly (60%) as insurgence against general social conditions. Smaller share of respondents see protests as against political parties in power (20%) and against all political parties (13%). Protests were least qualified as against corruption and bad privatization.


3. Protests were mostly directed against…?

In this survey, citizens were asked to assess their agreement with some statements. Most of different assessments were related to the statement that violence is a price too high for a change (If violence would be the only way to make a change, it is better not to change anything at all).

Half of respondents doesn’t agree with this statement. However, on the other hand, almost one third agrees on this statement. This shows clear sign that public support to protests would decline if protests would continue to be violent.

However, citizens are divided regarding expectations that protests would cause radical changes. Somewhat more than half of citizens think that protests would cause radical, fundamental changes, while the other half thinks it would not. That shows kind of apathy regarding politics.


Research is conducted by Valicon, marketing consulting and research company,
from 10th till 11th of February 2014, on the sample of 525 respondents aged between 18-65.
Sample is representative, meaning it responds to population structure by age, sex and regional

More information:
Kemal Koštrebić
Valicon d.o.o.
Branilaca Sarajeva 20, Sarajevo
T. 033/258 655
F. 033/258 656

Press Release